The 3 Hidden Truths Behind A “YES”

Leon Gunaseelan
2 min readOct 2, 2020
Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash

Every day we chase behind a magic word — YES! It can be a sale, a promotion, a pay rise, and even within our social circle.

Have you wondered what is behind that magic word most of the time?

There are 3 types of YESs that we can receive daily.

1. Counterfeit

Where a person has fixed a “No” in their mind but to be polite and get more information they tell “YES”.

Once they get as much information as possible they will give you a “NO”

2. Confirmation

Where a person is interested in the product/service or what you are proposing and they say YES. However, they don’t prefer to take any action.

It is just a simple affirmation. We encounter many YESs like these daily in our office hours and in our social circles.

3. Commitment

This is the ultimate YES and one which has the most weightage. The person who says YES has made up his/her mind on taking action to go along with it. Committed towards the YES.

  • What do we need to do to move towards the ultimate YES?

Never push for a YES in the early stages of your conversation. Push for the NO — get to know what the other person doesn't want, so you know what they exactly want. Proceed for the YES from that stairway. Entering the conversation in their world increases your chances of getting the other person to take action, which is the goal of any YES!

